HA Linux Mail Server – Part 1 (RHCS CentOS 6/Glusterfs)

Things needed for RHCS on Centos 6

  • Two Centos 6 nodes
  • Shared storage (glusterfs)
  • Fencing mechinism (in our case, a custom fence_esxi found on this website)

I have two physical ESXi 5.1 servers, so the below will assume ESXi for fencing.

Install and configure glusterfs

I assume you have added additional disks to your VM for this (sdb, sdc)

Add the EPEL/EL repos for your distruction to /etc/yum.repos.d

yum install glusterfs glusterfs-server

Partition and format /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb2 as EXT4, adding the following to /etc/fstab ON BOTH NODES

In the below example, I am using LVM

/dev/vg01/mysql         /mysql                   ext4    defaults        0 0
localhost:/gv0          /mysql/data             glusterfs       defaults 0 0
/dev/vg02/mail          /mail                   ext4    defaults        0 0
localhost:/gv1          /mail/data              glusterfs       defaults 0 0

Mount /mysql and /mail (not /*/data yet)

Now on only one node, do the following commands

gluster volume create gv0 replica 2 transport tcp centos-cluster1:/mysql/brick centos-cluster2:/mysql/brick

gluster volume start gv0

gluster volume create gv1 replica 2 transport tcp centos-cluster1:/mail/brick centos-cluster2:/mail/brick

gluster volume start gv1

You should now be able to mount /mail/data and /mysql/data on both nodes.


Install RHCS and tools on both nodes

yum install luci ricci rgmanager cman fence-agents corosync

Once done with this step, make sure both node has the other node in their /etc/hosts file and configure your nodes to use static IPs.

Use luci to create the basic configuration of your cluster.  (https://NODE1IP:8084)

Manage Cluster – Add

Once created add your nodes under “Nodes”

Create your fence devices (Use fence_vmware or something similar for now, we will change it later most likely) for each ESXi server.

Create a failover domain (Prioritized=No, Restricted=No)

Create two IP address resources (one for mail services, one for mysql)

Finally create your service groups for each service.

Order should be: IP Resource – Service

For your postfix-svc, use the “Script” type and define the script file as /mail/data/mail.sh

For mysql-svc, use the “Mysql” type and use for the Config File: /mysql/data/my.cnf

You should now be able to run “clustat” on either node, although your services will be failed or disabled for now.

Finally, let’s finish up fencing.

See http://linuxadministration.us/?p=256 for ESXi 5.1 (if you’re using something else, you’ll have to do this part yourself I’m afraid)

Test fencing with the “fence_node” command. Do not skip this step! Make sure fencing works before moving forward.

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