Things needed for RHCS on Centos 6
- Two Centos 6 nodes
- Shared storage (glusterfs)
- Fencing mechinism (in our case, a custom fence_esxi found on this website)
I have two physical ESXi 5.1 servers, so the below will assume ESXi for fencing.
Install and configure glusterfs
I assume you have added additional disks to your VM for this (sdb, sdc)
Add the EPEL/EL repos for your distruction to /etc/yum.repos.d
yum install glusterfs glusterfs-server
Partition and format /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb2 as EXT4, adding the following to /etc/fstab ON BOTH NODES
In the below example, I am using LVM
/dev/vg01/mysql /mysql ext4 defaults 0 0
localhost:/gv0 /mysql/data glusterfs defaults 0 0
/dev/vg02/mail /mail ext4 defaults 0 0
localhost:/gv1 /mail/data glusterfs defaults 0 0
Mount /mysql and /mail (not /*/data yet)
Now on only one node, do the following commands
gluster volume create gv0 replica 2 transport tcp centos-cluster1:/mysql/brick centos-cluster2:/mysql/brick gluster volume start gv0 gluster volume create gv1 replica 2 transport tcp centos-cluster1:/mail/brick centos-cluster2:/mail/brick gluster volume start gv1
You should now be able to mount /mail/data and /mysql/data on both nodes.
Install RHCS and tools on both nodes
yum install luci ricci rgmanager cman fence-agents corosync
Once done with this step, make sure both node has the other node in their /etc/hosts file and configure your nodes to use static IPs.
Use luci to create the basic configuration of your cluster. (https://NODE1IP:8084)
Manage Cluster – Add
Once created add your nodes under “Nodes”
Create your fence devices (Use fence_vmware or something similar for now, we will change it later most likely) for each ESXi server.
Create a failover domain (Prioritized=No, Restricted=No)
Create two IP address resources (one for mail services, one for mysql)
Finally create your service groups for each service.
Order should be: IP Resource – Service
For your postfix-svc, use the “Script” type and define the script file as /mail/data/
For mysql-svc, use the “Mysql” type and use for the Config File: /mysql/data/my.cnf
You should now be able to run “clustat” on either node, although your services will be failed or disabled for now.
Finally, let’s finish up fencing.
See for ESXi 5.1 (if you’re using something else, you’ll have to do this part yourself I’m afraid)
Test fencing with the “fence_node” command. Do not skip this step! Make sure fencing works before moving forward.