Automate Restart of D-Link DCS-900 Cameras

I have some older D-Link DCS-900 cameras being used with ZoneMinder for a security system at home.

While these cameras are normally very stable (no lock-ups for weeks or months at a time) it still happens. To make things work more smoothly, I decided to find a way to restart the devices with cron.

I decided to have the cameras be reset twice a month (on the 1st and 15th of each month at 4am).

crontab -e

0 4 1,15 * * wget –http-user=admin –http-password=YOUR-PASSWORD -O /dev/null –post-data=”Reset= Yes ” http://camera1/Reply.html


You can remove the –http-user and –http-password sections if you do not have an admin user/password set.